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The Belt and Road Economic Trade and Culture Promotion Organization

随着中国国家“一带一路”倡议目标的推进及一带一路沿线国家基础设施投资银行等机构 的建立,中国与中东非及海外国家和地区间的贸易往来将进一步加深,未来数年贸易增速将 快于中国与其它国家和地区的贸易增长。在海外经济的合作中,将中国和海外企业及相关产业 “引进来、走出去”是我们首要的任务,全方位为企业服务将具有十分重要的意义,协助企 业创造越来越大的发展空间,同时这也是有待进一步开发的薄弱环节。促进中国与海外国家和 地区间交流合作,推动海外经济共同发展,是中小企业的期盼,是政府的愿望,也是我们的 历史责任.一带一路经贸文化促进会就是在这样的形势下应运而生的。 

With the promotion of China’s “One Belt and One Road” Initiative and the establishment of Infrastructure Investment Bank and other institutions in countries along the B&R, the trade between China and central and East Africa and other countries and regions will be further deepened. Besides, the growth rate of trade will be faster than that between China and other countries and regions in the next few years. In overseas economic cooperation, it is our primary task to promote the “bringing in and going global” policy among Chinese and overseas enterprises and related industries. It will be great significance and help companies create more and more development chances. Meanwhile, it is also the vulnerable spot in our further development. The government, small and medium-sized enterprises and us share the same expectation. That is to set up a cooperation organization between China and overseas countries and regions and to promote the common development. The Belt and Road Economic Trade and Culture Promotion Organization born under such circumstances. 

我们是致力于中国和海外地区国家交流与合作发展的平台. 近年来,我们与非洲地区国家、 北美地区、南美地区、欧洲和中亚的政府和商协会等机构建立了良好合作关系,搭建互利共 赢的合作平台。同时,通过组织经贸交流论坛 、组织互访考察、举办展览展示等活动,为 广大会员单位“引进来”和“走出去”提供有效的资源对接与项目合作机遇。 

The platform is dedicated to the exchange and cooperation between China and other overseas countries. In recent years, we have established favorable cooperative relations with governments and business associations of countries in Africa, North America, South America, Europe and Central Asia to build a mutually beneficial cooperation platform. At the same time, we have provided many effective resources docking and project cooperation opportunities for the majority of member organizations to “bringing in” and “going global” by organizing Economic and Trade exchange forum and mutual visits and hosting exhibition activities.

 一带一路经贸文化促进会主要职能是旨在发挥和组织多方力量帮助企业搭建国际深层 次多领域的服务平台,联合多年积累的政府资源和海外资源,针对中资企业、国际组织、非 政府组织等单位开展投资融资、招商宣传、咨询公关、商贸营销以及社会责任等服务;组织 参与与海外有关的国际交流和项目合作。此外,我们还将充分利用百年风云在国内外的独特 优势,以传承中国同各国人民的友谊为己任,传递和平、发展、合作、共赢的理念,开展多 领域、多形式的交流与合作,践行和实现国家的“一带一路”倡议。

 The Belt and Road Economic Trade and Culture Promotion Organization is aim to organize various strength and to help companies build international deep service platform so as to combine government and overseas resources accumulated over the years to provide investment and financing, investment promotion, consultation and public relations, business marketing and social responsibility services for Chinese enterprises, international organizations and Non-governmental organizations. What is more, we will make full use of the unique advantages of the rich experience at home and abroad to carry forward the friendship between China and the people of other countries, carrying out the concept of peace, development, cooperation and win-win. We hope that through the above measures, we can carry out more exchanges and cooperation in more fields and in more forms, and respond to the B&R of China. 

我会以“服务为本,诚信至上,追求和合,讲究实效”为宗旨,全面帮助海内外合作健 康成长。我会愿意与各方优势资源开展优势互补的专业合作,共建海内外企业服务体系,加 快海内外企业现代化进程,为推动一带一路建设和全球和平作出自己应有的贡献。 

With the tenet of “Take service as the foundation, put the integrity at first, pursue fair cooperation, and chase the efficiency”, our platform will help the cooperation at home and abroad to grow healthily in all-round way. We are also willing to carry out professional cooperation based on the superior resources of all parties, build a service system for domestic and overseas enterprises, accelerate the modernization process of relevant enterprises, and make its due contribution to promoting the Belt and Road construction and global peace.